To wrap up the Summer we wanted to push our owners, new and old, to get out and ride for as much as possible with another round of the KM KING milage contest. Starting today, get out and ride like you never have before with your app on! Riders with the most kilometers stacked up by the 25th of August will have a chance to win a new deck, some wheels or a charger. For our first KM KING, our winner managed 638km in 30 days. So starting planning some routes, show up to some group ride or simply make sure you ride to work everyday this month and you might win. Read below for directions and details.

✅ If you want to participate make sure you do the checklist below ✅
1. Go for a ride August 1st, even just a short one.
2. Ride as much as you can with your app on. (Only milage with app on counts.)
3. Go for a ride on August 25th, even just a short one.
1st Place - DB Skatedeck THE WING MAN
2nd place - Charger
3rd place - 80mm wheels
*Only riders that bought their Mellow can win the prizes. Influencers & testers will be listed but cannot win any prizes.
*If you can't ride on the 1st of August or 25th, take a screen grab from your first and last day you could ride between Aug 1st- Aug 25th & send to Write KM KING in the subject line of the e-mail. Don't try to Photoshop your screen grabs. We can tell if you do.
*Don't try to spin your wheels while not riding to get extra km's. We can tell if you do and you will be disqualified if we see long distances that show this.
*If you have multiple drives, we will only count the km's on your drive with the most not the total of all your drives.
Good luck, be safe, wear your helmet, stay visible, have fun & ride!
Keep Riding & Stay Mellow!