Since the first day we spotted “the ditch” during the Kickstarter filming days we knew this would be a place we would return to and ride with electric skateboards like never before. First we had a first session with the Mellow team at the Mega Ditch. Then we baptised it the Mellowdrome for our 2nd session where we invited some pro longboarders. After every session we had that feeling of wanting to share this unreal place with more people so we decided to have an event. The thing about this spot is that it is super fun and you ride super fast and slide from one dimension to another, but if you fall you risk heavy consequences. The Gubbel skate crew tells us scabs and scrapes are called pizza in longboarding. So what was more fitting to call this event the Pizza Party!
Photos by Linus Koch, Mathias Lochner & Klaus Wesener

The spot has a little stream that runs through, water collects and things grow in corners of the ditch. We cleared out what we could and the little rain we have received these past two years had made it the driest and cleanest the ditch has been in years. This unlocked more of the banks and we’re ready to ride even wilder lines than the years before.
The Pizza Parrty was under the risk of rain but we didn’t lose faith. We waited it out under the bridge and waited for the sun to return. We made a poster as friends and guests gathered. We drank beer and ate pizza until the place was ready to ride after a few sweeps of the broom. Our friends from Dresden, Berlin, the local Gurk Squad and friends put it into pro mode and charged at the ditch. We started with non-electric vehicles to warm-up. Beginners came out to learn transition. A mix of e-skaters and old school skaters slowly started to ride harder and harder climaxing at the point when Volker Lux and Philipp Marx were tearing the place up beyond anyone could have ever imagined and turning this dangerous place into a game.