We all love perfectly smooth pavement where you can glide care-free of cracks, lumps or bumps. The truth of the matter, depending on where you live and where you ride, is that powder pavement can sometimes be hard to find. Especially in the inner city where you will find a mix of surfaces from bumpy bricks bike lanes and annoying cobblestone.

So here at Mellow we decided to add on another centimeter of urethane on our new 90mm big wheels. Not only are they larger, they are softer with a durometer of 76A. This extra marshmallowy cushion will especially be appreciated on the hub motors where urethane is limited. Now it will be hard to even tell you are riding hubs. Little curbs are easier to roll up. Dirt paths even become accessible. Wobble stones will be reduced. Basically, these wheels smoothen your ride on any surface. Acceleration and braking is slightly reduced, but on the bright side you can actually go faster, reaching speeds near 45km/h in pro! Forget about letting your hair flow in the wind, put on a helmet and get low because you are about to blast off!

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