Benny from The 4221 Project is a carpenter, creator and skateboard shaper from Australia who lives in New York and rides a Mellow Board! He is a friend of ours and a really sound dude that has been surfing and skating like any healthy Aussi.

He came through Paris for a visit and we met up with him. The weather was not looking good for the weekend but we saw there was a window of sunshine right before the storm hit in. The temperature rose and the sun blasted us vitamin D. Our skin happily soaked it up from the dark stormy winter it has been through. With all this sun and a Mellow under our feet, it felt like we were surfing barrels under the Eiffel Tower for a moment.
The location we were skating is called Trocadero and it is perfect for skating. One of the most open areas with no cars to ride in the center and it has a flat part plus two long running hills. Check out more Paris e-skate spots here.
We enjoyed the morning free rolling down the hill and Mellowing right back for another run. We smiled till our teeth got tan but by noon the storm had moved in and Paris saw rain that made the river rise higher. Then snow hit and the Parisians panicked and ran for cover under their croissants but we kept riding. So also enjoy some of our rain/snow footage testing our latest improvements.

Stay tuned on further Mellowboarding city experiences via the Mellow Times.